Manlius Pebble Hill Center for Early Learning

Dewitt, NY


The Center for Early Learning is the first phase in a ten-year master plan to increase the spatial quality and area per student at Manlius Pebble Hill School. In addition to providing pre-kindergarten and kindergarten classroom space, the new construction allowed the re-design of the campus entry drive to improve safety during drop-off and pick-up, to reduce street traffic congestion, and to increase on-campus parking. While taking its aesthetic cues from the existing campus buildings, reflecting brick and white trim,  the glass pavilion over the gathering space updates the imagery, as the Center for Early Learning forms the new “gateway” to the campus. Classroom windows allow for natural light and air from two sides, while light shelves and automatically adjustable light controls provide energy efficiencies. The building system design and material selections follow LEED principles.



Photos ©Don Cochran Photography