Holmes▪King▪Kallquist & Associates, Architects strives to consistently attain superior and innovative design and excellence in building craftsmanship, producing quality detailing and specifying appropriate materials. Every project is a unique synthesis of our clients’ needs, their site, and our knowledge of current design and construction. Our firm grasp of budget and construction realities informs our design process and ensures that the result is both responsive to our clients’ needs and tastes and is firmly grounded in building practicalities.
We are committed to the continual improvement of our skills as interpreters and implementers of our clients’ goals. We listen carefully and communicate effectively. We recognize that quality projects cannot occur without quality clients, and welcome a high level of client participation. The success of these collaborations is visibly represented by our numerous design awards.
We provide design services in architecture, historic preservation, and interior design. Our work ranges from historic restoration and adaptive re-use to new academic, commercial, public, and residential design. Multidisciplinary, early-stage planning services are an important part of our work, and include architects, interior designers, and appropriate specialists in the development of building programs, space planning, conceptual design, feasibility studies, and master plans.